
Ferrotonic Plus combines optimal iron nutrition with the immediate increase in organic matter and soil fertility, thus offering a complete package for the uptake of Iron. The product, in addition to chelated iron in the form of EDDHA, contains a large percentage of Humic and Fulvic acids. In this way, emphasis is also given to the improvement of other characteristics that often affect the non-uptake of the specific element, without focusing on the unnecessary increase in the percentage of Iron that is often lost or bound in the soil. The success of Ferrotonic Plus is due to its special composition as it contains the optimal combination of isomers ortho-ortho- for excellent assimilation in calcareous and alkaline soils and ortho-para- for the fastest correction of iron deficiency. Its Humic and Fulvic acids have integrated GS and GD technologies (granules 100% soluble and dispersible in water) of rapid assimilation, with which we achieve fast and effective correction of iron deficiency.

Guaranteed composition (w/w)

  • Organic matter 50.5
  • Organic carbon (C) 29.3
  • Humic acids 13.5%
  • Fulvic Acids 41.0%
  • Total nitrogen (N) 3.04
  • Total water-soluble iron (Fe) 6.0%
  • Iron chelate ortho-ortho (EDDHA) 2.8%
  • Iron ortho-para chelate (EDDHA) 1.0




Store locked, in its original closed packaging, in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. In these conditions it remains stable for five years.





BOX  5Χ5kg