
Ailantex is a microbial herbicide specialized for the control of Ailanthus altissima, with the active ingredient Verticillium nonalfalfae strain Ver t56 1×10⁶ conidia/ml. The spore suspension is delivered to the target organism (Ailanthus altissima) via trunk injection. Inside the host, the fungal pathogen causes degradation of the primary cell walls, affects the xylem parenchyma, and blocks the vessels. The tree’s sap flow to distant parts of the plant is reduced or stopped, resulting in wilting symptoms and gradually leading to the death of the target plant A. altissima.


Approval No.: 70.535 26-08-2024 25-12-2024



Store the product in its original, tightly closed packaging, in a dry, dark, and cool place at temperatures between 4°C and 8°C. Under these conditions, it remains stable for 4 months. After opening, use the packaging within 2-3 days.