
THYMOVAR is best used immediately after the honey is harvested. It is a very reliable and mild treatment for bees. It is also recommended after short treatments with organic acids for long-term protection against re-infestation. Easy and safe to use also for swarms and small hives.



Remove the honey boxes for harvesting. Provide the bees with enough food for the duration of the 4-week treatment. THYMOVAR® strips will be cut or broken into two pieces for easy application. The best results are observed at temperatures between 20 °C and 25 °C. Start with a reduced dose when temperatures >+30 °C are expected in the first 3 days of treatment and end the dose after three days to one week. After a one-week break to replenish the food, the second treatment begins.



Treatment profile

Thymol works gradually. Increased Varroa shedding will be seen after two days. Due to the long duration of treatment, varroa mites hidden in sealed cells will be approached and exposed to thymol vapors once they emerge with the newly hatched bees. The bees will try to remove the strips by nibbling on the used sponge. In some cases, the strips will be partially covered with propolis.